What is photovoltaic Prevent shading & loss of performance with solar optimizers

A PV installation consists of several solar panels. These are linked to each other. The energy produced goes from the system to the inverter, where it is converted into usable energy. Only solar collectors that are permanently exposed to sunlight can work efficiently. However, if parts of the solar system are in the shade, yield losses are the result. That's so-called photovoltaic shading or PV system shading. But not only that! The modules can heat up due to the energy build-up.
This damages the whole system in the long run. Well thought-out shadow management with Huawei can make your system even more efficient and significantly extend its service life.
What types of photovoltaic shading are there?

1. PV system shading due to moving shadows
Shading with so-called wandering shadows is a big problem. These can occur if, for example, there is a solid obstacle such as a tree in the vicinity of the system. During the day the sun moves and the shadows fall differently on the roof.
2. Location-related shading of parts of the system
If a tree is near the solar system, it can regularly cast its shadow on the modules. The same applies when buildings or other fixed obstacles are positioned in such a way that their shadows obscure the system.
3. PV system shading due to contamination
Dirty, polluted solar panels no longer get enough solar radiation. You are unable to work effectively. Rain, dust, environmental influences. Anything can pollute your solar system. To ensure smooth operation, it is important to clean your PV system regularly. Adhesion of snowfall and ice can also negatively affect the production of electricity. If there is a layer of snow on the collector surface, the sun's rays no longer penetrate the reflectors with full force. Production falls. Here it helps to tirelessly free them from snow and ice.
4. Self-shading due to planning errors
Self-shading does not occur with on-roof and in-roof solutions. However, flat roof systems and free-standing systems must have a specified minimum row spacing, otherwise the solar collectors would shade each other. Special attention must be paid to this during the planning!
Planning good shadow management is important for effective PVPlants and PV plant shading

A good planning of the construction of your solar system can solve many problems Photovoltaic shading prevent in advance. In this way, areas that are regularly in the shade can either not be equipped with collectors at all or the modules in question can be switched separately with the inverter. In this way, problematic blockages in the energy flow of certain collectors can be controlled separately.
The unshaded areas can continue to produce electricity unhindered and are not disturbed during operation. Sometimes the shadow caster itself can be removed. Here, among other things, felling of trees or the like would be an option. Planning for PV systems and PV system shading are as individual as their owners themselves. However, the situation is different with wandering shadows. If other solar modules are in the shade due to changes in the solar radiation at different times of the day, good shade management is required.
Here you can join Solar optimizern achieve good results. The low acquisition costs are worthwhile, as the initial costs are quickly offset by the constantly increased yield in electricity production and the longer service life.
A big plus - systems become more efficient and last longer
Arises through Photovoltaic shading If there is a build-up of energy on the affected module, the line and the collector heat up. A build-up of heat occurs. There is a risk of damage from overheating. Plants with Solar optimizern with the Huawei performance optimizer or the Tigo optimizer have been equipped deliver up to 25% more yield. They also last longer because overheating can no longer occur due to a disrupted flow of energy.