The incredible solar market revolution with Huawei Backup-Box B0/B1

The Huawei backup box is small, but OHO! Strong performance paired with a first-class price. Great benefit and versatile possibilities. Huawei emergency power for everyone!
Due to the general price reduction of Huawei products, a Huawei backup box, which would have cost around 1.000 euros in January, at Mini Power for only 680 euros be acquired. You'll find more about it here.
The new Huawei backup boxes B0 and B1(en) are revolutionizing the solar market

In 2021, Huawei brought a top-class emergency power solution with its Huawei backup box b1 - 3-phase systems on the market. In this case, users of PV systems can get much more out of their system. But what advantages do they offer? Huawei backup box b1 - 3-phase like them Huawei Backup Box B0? What performance do they deliver? We want to track this down.
Small dimensions paired with high performance
Their extremely small dimensions (400 x 350 x 130 mm) and the very low weight of only 11 kg make the Huawei backup box b1 - 3-phase Upgrades to a powerful partner with many uses. With a mains voltage of 220 volts, all important devices can continue to be operated in any situation. The beauty of it, Huawei hasn't forgotten Huawei backup box to develop and offer for different inverters. which Huawei backup box b1 - 3-phase is the right one for your system, you can here read the official data sheet.
Farewell to expensive stand-alone systems - The affordable emergency power solution

An affordable one Huawei backup powerthe solution Huawei Backup Box B0/B1 systems. Not so long ago, a user of a PV system had to have an extremely expensive stand-alone system installed if he wanted to be supplied with solar power at all times. Even users of solar systems with storage systems could no longer obtain solar power in the event of a power failure if their system was not an island system. With the Huawei backup box every domestic PV system becomes a system with emergency power operation inexpensively and super easily. And that for an unbeatable price! the Huawei Backup Box B1 - 3-phase as well as the Huawei Backup BOX B0 1-phase are already available for about 1000 €. The price of Huawei Backup Box B1 3-phase is now at Mini Power 680€.
Fully automatic switching - Worry-free use at any time
As soon as the external power fails, the smart Huawei backup box automatically into emergency power mode. The smart system switches back on just as the external power supply is restored. All by itself! Without any action on your part!
A wide range of possible uses make the Backup Box Huawei systems interesting for customers

But not only solar systems on the roof at home can be used with the Huawei backup boxen experienced an upgrade. Friends of outdoor activities, such as camping, can also use their mobile solar system with the Huawei backup power upgrade system. Since a system equipped in this way still reliably supplies electricity even in the deepest wilderness, even if the camper battery has long since given up the ghost, nothing stands in the way of your excursions into unknown regions and untouched nature. Experience unlimited freedom paired with the feeling of a secure supply of electricity.
Integration of the backup box Huawei into the existing system

To the Huawei backup powersolution in the form of a Huawei luna2000 Backup box 3-phase or B0 1-phase into your system, the small box is inserted between the AC supply line of the installed inverter and the power distribution. All Huawei backup boxen have a 1-phase power output, with which all desired devices can be supplied with emergency power. Here you can find a video, which explains the installation. Please note that the video is only available in English. In the meantime, there are also many tips and tricks from satisfied users in various forums.
I like the idea of securing my supply, do I need some sort of permit?
The emergency exit required own system of counters and relays in the swap box to work, so it needs to be disconnected from the Electrical Network. Because if, in the event of a grid failure, an operator were to repair the grid in our neighborhood and our installation was connected and operational, an accidental and unexpected discharge could occur, with the serious consequences for your health that this would entail. To avoid this type of accident, your backup box connected to a switch.
The Mini Power we believe that solar energy makes us freer. It's up to you , connect to the power grid or not, but there is no doubt that an emergency exit or a backup box with rechargeable batteries you make whatever your decision will protect against any accident, whether day or night, summer or winter , and maximizes the savings on your bill at